Panel (St. Andrews, 4 July 2014)
The first half of this 2-session panel focused on the first half of the 20th century and addressed a paradigmatic category of agricultural experiments, the field trials with crops and horticultural products. It examined the scientific status of these experiments, the role played by statistics in their design and analysis, the convergence of scientific practices, economic interests and consumers’ satisfaction in the experiments on the low temperature conservation of fruits and crops.The concluding commentary of the first session reflected upon the issues raised by the papers and readdressed them towards animal experimentation, thus introducing the themes of the second session.
- Organiser:
- Giuditta Parolini (Technical University Berlin and Berlin Center for the History of Knowledge)
- Chair:
- Gregory Radick (University of Leeds, UK)
- Panel:
- Dominic Berry (University of Leeds, UK)
- Angela Cassidy (King's College London, UK)
- Miguel Garcia-Sancho (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Andrew Gardiner (University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Giuditta Parolini (TU Berlin and WG-B, DE)
- Paul Smith (University College London, UK)
- Angela Cassidy (King's College London, UK)
- Commentator:
- Jonathan Harwood (University of Manchester emeritus, UK)
- Media:
- Audio registrations of presentations and commentary:
- Berry: 18MB MP3 Audio file
- Cassidy: 24MB MP3 Audio file
- Garcia-Sancho: 18MB MP3 Audio file
- Gardiner: 18MB MP3 Audio file
- Harwood: 14MB MP3 Audio file
- Parolini: 22MB MP3 Audio file
- Smith: 17MB MP3 Audio file
Roundtable Discussion (Montpellier, 11 July 2013)
This session brought together plant scientists, philosophers and historians to identify and discuss past and current contributions of plant science to biology, reflect on the reasons for the relative lack of visibility of these contributions, explore ways to deepen current understandings of the role of plant science in biology, and encourage public and scholarly interest in plants. The session featured short addresses by panel members and an open discussion with participation of other ISHPSSB members.- Organiser and chair:
- Sabina Leonelli, University of Exeter
- Panel:
- Jean-Francois Briat (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR)
- Berris Charnley (Griffith Law School, USA)
- Bertrand Muller (Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Plantes, FR)
- Staffan Müller-Wille (University of Exeter, UK)
- Francisco Vergara-Silva (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, MEX)
- Betty Smocovitis (University of Florida, USA)
- Selim Louafi (International Center for Agricultural Research for Development, FR)
- Berris Charnley (Griffith Law School, USA)
- Media:
- Abstract and listing of the discussants: 1MB PowerPoint file.
- 1h28min audio registration of the discussion: 43MB Windows Media Audio file.
- An article highlighting the historical roots of cross-organism collaborations in plant science:
S. Leonelli, B. Charnley, A.R. Webb, and R. Bastow (2012).Under one leaf: An historical perspective on the UK Plant Science Federation. New Phytologist 195:10–13.
- A file comprising the Table of Contents, Preface, Copyright info, and Acknowledgements of a book:
J. Harwood (2012).Europe’s Green Revolution and Others Since: The rise and fall of peasant-friendly plant breeding. Oxon and New York: Routhledge.
- J. Harwood (2009).
Peasant Friendly Plant Breeding and the Early Years of the Green Revolution in Mexico . Agricultural History 83(3):384–410.
- B. Charnley and G. Radick (2009).
Plant Breeding and Intellectual Property Before and After the Rise of Mendelism: The Case of Britain. In J.-P. Gaudillière, D.J. Kevles and H.-J. Rheinberger (Eds), Living Properties: Making Knowledge and Controlling Ownership in the History of Biology. Preprint 382, pp. 51–56. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
HPSPS poster presented by Sabina Leonelli at the 2012 annual meeting of the UK Plant Science Federation.